Discover the inspiring story of Tynemouth Pool's revival as Bondi Beach lends its support. Explore the campaign's journey to garner global backing.

Revitalization Efforts for Tynemouth Pool Garner Support from Bondi Beach

Imagine a once-thriving outdoor swimming pool that has now fallen into disrepair, leaving behind an abandoned eyesore. This is the unfortunate fate of Tynemouth pool, a beloved institution in the North of England that closed its doors in the 1990s. However, there is hope on the horizon as a passionate group of campaigners has been working tirelessly for the past 11 years to bring the pool back to life. And now, their efforts have gained the support of an unlikely ally – Bondi Beach in Sydney.

The mayor of Waverley, which includes Bondi Beach, has sent a video message in support of the restoration project, highlighting the vital role outdoor pools play in our lives and urging the council to make the right decision. With the potential for funding from big funders on the line, the fate of Tynemouth pool now rests in the hands of the North Tyneside councillors, who will decide its future this week. This article takes a closer look at the campaign to revitalize Tynemouth pool and the efforts to garner support from all corners of the world.

Revitalization Efforts for Tynemouth Pool Garner Support from Bondi Beach

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Revitalization Efforts for Tynemouth Pool Garner Support from Bondi Beach


Have you ever heard of Tynemouth Pool? It may be a pool that you’ve never heard of before, but thanks to the efforts of dedicated campaigners and the support of Bondi Beach in Sydney, this outdoor swimming pool in Tynemouth, England, could soon experience a revitalization. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the background of Tynemouth Pool, its closure and decline, the ongoing revitalization campaign, the support it has received from Bondi Beach, and the importance of outdoor pools for communities. Let’s dive in!

Revitalization Efforts for Tynemouth Pool Garner Support from Bondi Beach

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Background of Tynemouth Pool

Tynemouth Pool has a long and storied history. It was first opened in 1925 and quickly became a beloved institution in the community. Located on the picturesque Tynemouth Longsands beach, the concrete saltwater pool provided a refreshing and invigorating swimming experience for locals and visitors alike. For many years, the pool was a popular destination for people seeking a fun day out in the sun.

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Closure and Decline of Tynemouth Pool

Unfortunately, like many outdoor pools, Tynemouth Pool eventually fell into disrepair and was forced to close its doors in the mid-1990s. The rise in popularity of affordable package holidays to warm destinations abroad led to a decline in visitors to the pool. As a result, the pool was unable to generate enough revenue to sustain its operations, and its condition deteriorated over time.

Revitalization Efforts for Tynemouth Pool Garner Support from Bondi Beach

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Revitalization Campaign

Recognizing the historical and cultural significance of Tynemouth Pool, a group of passionate campaigners known as the Friends of Tynemouth Outdoor Pool embarked on a mission to bring the pool back to life. For the past 11 years, they have been working tirelessly to rally support, raise funds, and generate public awareness about the revitalization project. Their goal is to restore the pool to its former glory and create a vibrant community hub for people of all ages to enjoy.

Support from Bondi Beach

One of the most significant developments in the campaign to revitalize Tynemouth Pool is the unexpected support from a surprising source – Bondi Beach in Sydney. Paula Masselos, the mayor of Waverley in Sydney, which includes Bondi Beach, has sent a video message expressing her support for the project. As someone who understands the value of outdoor pools in enhancing community well-being, she believes that Tynemouth Pool has the potential to become a cherished asset for the local area.

Revitalization Efforts for Tynemouth Pool Garner Support from Bondi Beach

Mayor of Waverley in Sydney Backs the Project

Paula Masselos is not the only influencer throwing her support behind the revitalization efforts for Tynemouth Pool. The mayor of Waverley in Sydney is among those lobbying the council in North Tyneside to back the ambitious plans for the pool’s restoration. This endorsement from a prominent figure highlights the significance of the project both locally and internationally.

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Video Message from Bondi Beach

To demonstrate their unwavering support, Bondi Beach went the extra mile by sending a heartfelt video message to the campaign for Tynemouth Pool. In the video, Masselos explains how Bondi Beach has had its ups and downs but has ultimately become one of the most recognizable tourist destinations in Australia. She emphasizes the importance of outdoor pools in enriching people’s lives and fostering a sense of community, urging the council in North Tyneside to seize the opportunity to breathe new life into Tynemouth Pool.

The Importance of Outdoor Pools for Communities

Outdoor pools, like Tynemouth Pool, play a crucial role in enhancing the quality of life within communities. Not only do they provide a space for physical activity and recreation, but they also serve as gathering places for friends, families, and neighbors to come together and create lasting memories. Outdoor pools offer a unique experience that cannot be replicated by indoor facilities, allowing swimmers to enjoy the natural beauty of their surroundings while staying active and healthy.


Tynemouth Pool has the potential to once again become a beloved landmark in the community thanks to the tireless efforts of the Friends of Tynemouth Outdoor Pool and the support from unlikely allies, such as Bondi Beach. The campaign to revitalize the pool has garnered significant attention and has the potential to be one of the biggest community-led regeneration projects in the UK. By restoring Tynemouth Pool, the community can reclaim a cherished piece of its history, create a valuable recreational space, and foster a stronger sense of togetherness and well-being. With the continued support of individuals and communities both near and far, the future looks bright for Tynemouth Pool.

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